Encompass® Review & Support for your TPO Channel

Hands-on-Keyboard service to review, build, and deploy updates for your TPO channel of business

This example TPO project was created from an engagement with a mortgage lender looking to expand their TPO business in a meaningful way. They have previously worked with other consultants to help set up their TPO Connect® platform and configure their Encompass® settings but still need help. Our engagement will involve intense work to review their platforms, workflow, settings, client relations, and goals to ensure they are successful in their growth and future opportunities.

  • All Encompass® TPO Settings will be reviewed, explained, and configured to align with your workflow

  • We will provide “Hands-on-Keyboard” support as needed during configuration, testing, and deployment of your updated TPO settings of your Encompass®

  • Advisory capacity in other areas you find the need to understand better with regards to using Encompass® and other “Best Practice” workflows

  • Weekly meetings and time spent each day to ensure the engagement goals and deadlines are being met or adjusted accordingly

  • Advisory capacity in your TPO Business channel to suggest recommended “Best Practices” based on your clients and your internal resources

  • Create and deliver new input forms to align with recommended workflows to allow for a more efficient workflow

  • Review and modify existing input forms to align with recommended workflows to allow for a more efficient workflow

  • Workflow meetings and time spent with each team member in the TPO channel to discover, analyze, and recommend appropriate actions as needed to ensure improvements in the workflow and client experience

  • A full review and update of all TPO Connect® settings on the TPO website, as well as Encompass® settings as needed to ensure the TPO is, at the minimum, able to leverage all available settings within TPO Connect, which includes:

    • Import a MISMO 3.4 format loan file, run a credit report, run DU AUS, price and request the lock for a loan through Optimal Blue or any other Product and Pricing Engine supported by TPO Connect